Alan Wolk
Atlanta Board of Trustees
Alan Wolk (Roswell, Ga) is CFO of Airway Therapeutics, Inc., a biotech pharmaceutical company focused on developing novel therapies for respiratory diseases. Previously, Alan taught finance at University of Georgia for 10 years. Before that, he was in the corporate world for 30 years, serving as President of several billion-dollar businesses in Dupont and Invista, and as CFO of Dupont’s Nylon Enterprise, the Company’s largest unit. A member of the JNF National Board for two years, Alan previously served as Co-President, JNF Atlanta for 3 years. Alan is Chair of the Special in Uniform Board of Governors and an active leader on the Task Force on Disabilities. Alan and Roni are proud sponsors of the Tel Nof Airforce base Special in Uniform unit and members of the Negev Society and Century Council.