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Stanley M. Chesley

Past President


Stanley M. Chesley (Cincinnati, OH), has a long history of serving on a number of local and national philanthropic boards, including UJA, JDC, and Israel Bonds. Stanley, a retired lawyer and president of Waite, Schneider, Bayless & Chesley, served with his firm, pro bono, as lead counsel for the World Jewish Congress and the World Jewish Restitution Organization representing the Claims Conference on issues involving Swiss, German, and Austrian Banks, and the Hungarian Gold Train in Holocaust litigation, which concluded in a successful resolution of approximately nine billion dollars. By far, his proudest appointment was serving as President of JNF for six years. During his tenure, JNF built the 20,000-square-foot Sderot Indoor Recreation Center, made great progress in the development of the Be’er Sheva River Park, and terrific strides in water conservation. Stanley is a recipient of JNF’s Shalom award, and a member of JNF’s King Solomon Society and World Chairman’s Council.