Jewish National Fund's Planned Giving Department helps you meet your personal, financial and estate planning goals by making a lifetime or testamentary charitable gift while enabling you to show your love for Israel. Learn how you can achieve your financial goals while providing JNF with much-needed partnership to continue our vital work in Israel.
Contact a Planned Giving Specialist
Donor Advised Fund
Jewish National Fund's Donor Advised Fund is a smart way to manage your philanthropy. It is a personal fund through which you can grow your assets tax-free, and pass on your philanthropic values. You choose how to invest your fund amongst six investment pools that are selected and professionally managed.
Wills and Bequests
A charitable bequest is one of the easiest ways you can leave a lasting impact on our organization.
Gifts that Produce Income
Are you looking for a secure source of fixed income for now or your future?
Assets that Make Great Gifts
Not every gift to our organization has to be made during life. With a testamentary gift you can benefit our organization through a planned gift in your will or living trust.
IRA Rollover
Find out how you can direct your mandated IRA distributions to Jewish National Fund to support the land and people of Israel.
Contact us at [email protected], 800.562.7526, or visit today!