Contact Us

If you would like more information about Jewish National Fund, need to contact a specific person, or are looking to make a donation or volunteer, please use the contact information below.

Tree Certificates, Products, Donations

Inquiries: [email protected]

To order:  [email protected]

By phone:  800.542.TREE (8733)

By Fax:  212.409.8548

To send a check by mail:

Jewish National Fund

78 Randall Avenue

Rockville Centre, NY 11570

Planned Giving (Bequests, Annuities, etc.)

Email:  [email protected]

Travel & Tours

By Email:  [email protected]

By Phone:  877.JNF.TOUR (563.8687)

Regional Offices

Phone:  800.JNF.0099

Email and Address: Visit our local office pages for this information

General Inquiries

By Email:  [email protected]

By Phone: 800.JNF.0099


JNF National Headquarters

42 E 69th Street

New York, NY 10021