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Marlene E. Post

Presidential Advisor


Marlene E. Post (New York, NY) served as the 21st National President of Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc. and past President of Hadassah International and is currently the Chair of Hadassah Magazine. Marlene serves on many Boards including the Board of Directors for the Jewish Agency for Israel, the Claims Conference, Birthright Israel, the American Zionist Movement and also boards of Israeli organizations not in the U.S. Over the many years, Marlene, a registered nurse had played an active role in the Confederation of United Zionists, State of Israel Bonds, the Advisory Council of the N.Y. Board of Rabbis, National Hillel, the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York, the U.J.A. Federation of New York, among others. She is a member of Jewish National Fund’s Boruchin Committee.