Phoenix, Az., June 10, 2021 — Arizona community leader and philanthropist Randi Jablin has won the prestigious Jewish National Fund (JNF-USA) Desert States Board of Directors Board Member of the Year award. A donor since 1992 and a board member since 2013, Randi has served on the board as secretary and synagogue relations chair, and she recently organized and led the Desert States Board to support a bomb shelter beautification project in the Negev.
“I feel very honored to have received JNF-USA's 2021 Board Member of the Year Award,” said Jablin. I have a strong, deep love for Israel, which started with my first trip. Supporting the land and people of Israel is one of my greatest passions, and I've gotten so much out of my involvement with JNF-USA.”
In addition to her time on JNF-USA’s Desert States Board, Randi is a Circle of Sapphire Society and Century Council member, and has visited Israel 15 times both for leisure and as part of her philanthropic work.
JNF-USA National Campaign Director Deb Rochford said: “Jewish National Fund-USA’s Desert States Board is fortunate to have a lay leader like Randi whose passion for the land and people of Israel is seen in her words and through her actions. Randi has such a wonderful ability to communicate our mission as she inspires Arizona’s community to support our efforts in Israel’s Negev and Galilee. She is a thoughtful leader, and we are truly fortunate to have her on our board of directors.”
Among her other projects, Randi is also a major supporter of JNF-USA’s High School in Israel and its flagship semester abroad in Israel program for American high school students. She has directed donations to Jewish National Fund Arizona Fellowship at AMHSI, Founded by Lori & Adam Miller, which provides financial aid for students in the Arizona area.
“Getting young people to Israel is vital, and I know how much good the High School in Israel Scholarship program does in sending the next generation of leaders on a life-changing trip to Israel,” said Jablin. People who haven't been to Israel just don't know what they're missing, and this is a great way to help get as many young people there as possible.”
JNF-USA Desert States President, Kim Kotzin added: “Randi Jablin is an exemplary Desert States Board Member. A Jewish leader in our community, Randi’s support of JNF-USA extends beyond her board member responsibilities. She is deeply connected to Israel. Randi understands the significance of a strong Israel and volunteers her time to educate our community about the work of Jewish National Fund-USA.”
Click here to learn more about JNF-USA’s Desert States region.
Media Contact:
Joseph Krebs
212.879.9305 x226
About Jewish National Fund-USA
JNF-USA is the leading philanthropic organization for Israel that supports critical environmental and nation building activities in Israel’s north and south. Through its One Billion Dollar Roadmap for the Next Decade, JNF-USA is developing new communities in the Galilee and Negev, connecting the next generation to Israel, and creating infrastructure and programs that support ecology, individuals with special needs, and heritage site preservation.