JNF-USA Halves Firefighter Response Time
On International Firefighters' Day, Jewish National Fund-USA's support of Israel's firefighters continues to yield important results
New York, NY., May 4, 2021 — As the world marks International Firefighters’ Day, a recent report from Israel’s Fire & Rescue Authority has acknowledged that thanks to Jewish National Fund-USA’s (JNF-USA) support of Israel’s firefighters in the Negev and Galilee, more land has been protected from fires than ever before because of reduced response times and better equipment.
JNF-USA supported firefighter
A comparison shows that thanks to JNF-USA, during time periods with a similar number of fires, the area of burnt land drastically reduced between 2018 to 2020, from 10,000 acres to 1,500 thousand.
Head of Security – Eshkol Region Elan Isaacson notes that the average response time for fires has decreased from 15 minutes to 7 minutes. “Our volunteers can fight this incendiary balloon terrorism with the equipment provided by Jewish National Fund-USA,” said Isaacson. “I can’t thank you enough. The fact that we can extinguish the fires so quickly helps build our resilience, and the people of the region trust us that if there is a fire, we can get to it and they are safe.”
JNF-USA Executive Director, New England and the Capital District, Sara Hefez said: "Our focus is always on outcomes and thanks to the work of JNF-USA's Fire & Rescue Taskforce and the leadership of our Task Force Chairs, Penny Rosen and Mark Egerman, we are maximizing the impact of our philanthropic investments in Israel."
JNF-USA supplied Rapid Action Fire Vehicle
A crucial element of the fire and rescue service boost was thanks to seven ATV-style Rapid Action Fire Vehicles supplied by JNF-USA, which serve as quick response vehicles for the region. Four of these vehicles are already operational, and they are supported by 13 fire wagons already provided by JNF-USA in the Gaza Envelope Region.
“If you the current period to last year after we received the Rapid Action Fire Vehicles, fire wagons, and personal equipment for the volunteer firefighters, the results speak for themselves,” Isaacson said.
JNF-USA supported firefighters
Head of Eshkol Community Center Michal Uziyahu said: “JNF-USA started to assist us and support us with fire and rescue equipment even before we asked. Once we realized that we needed it desperately the help was already on its way. Their footsteps are everywhere here in Eshkol.”
Visit jnf.org/firefightingto learn more about the important work JNF-USA is doing with fire and rescue services, as well as the other ways JNF-USA is turning the desert into a vibrant, green oasis.
Joseph Krebs
212.879.9305 x 226
About Jewish National Fund-USA
JNF-USA is the leading philanthropic organization for Israel that supports critical environmental and nation building activities in Israel’s north and south. Through its One Billion Dollar Roadmap for the Next Decade, JNF-USA is developing new communities in the Galilee and Negev, connecting the next generation to Israel, and creating infrastructure and programs that support ecology, individuals with special needs, and heritage site preservation.