“Jewish National Fund is the best thing that ever happened to the Land and People of Israel. It has impacted the past and present, and will shape the future. JNF is the Fortune 500 of philanthropies. It is a role model of how to run an organization like a business, and make every donation count.When you are involved with JNF, you get to wake up every morning and know that by the time you go to sleep, Israel will look a little bit better.”   Ariel Kotler







A registered 501(c)(3) organization, Jewish National Fund-USA is recognized as a 4-star organization by Charity Navigator, America’s leading independent charity evaluator, for its sound fiscal management, accountability, and transparency. JNF has also been rated a top charity by the American Institute of Philanthropy and meets the 20 rigorous standards of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) Wise Giving Alliance, and the transparency standards of Tzedakah, Inc. No other Jewish organization meets all these standards.

JNF directs every dollar to where it’s needed most and provides donors with the ability to know what they are supporting with full transparency. Donors are able to direct their support to fund program areas and projects specific to their passions and interests.



Jewish National Fund-USA is a nonprofit organization and United Nations NGO (non-governmental organization) that gives all generations of Jews a unique voice in building a prosperous future for the land of Israel and its people. JNF began in 1901 as a dream and vision to reestablish a homeland in Israel for Jewish people everywhere. Jews the world over collected coins in iconic JNF Blue Boxes, purchasing land and planting trees until ultimately, their dream of a Jewish homeland was a reality.
Today, JNF embodies both heart and action; our work is varied in scope but singular in benefit. In recent years, JNF has delivered on its bold and unprecedented vision in the One Billion Dollar Roadmap for the Next Decade, an innovative plan for Israel’s future. JNF’s Blueprint Negev initiative has transformed Israel’s Negev Desert, making the Southern Israel an attractive place to live and work. Similarly, Go North initiative has begun to provide new economic development opportunities to grow tourism, increase employment, offer educational and housing options and make Israel’s north a desirable place to both visit and live.
JNF remains unique among Jewish charities as its long-term vision has grown to include building new communities in the desert, expanding the scope of river rehabilitation and water research, exploring energy production, increasing population in northern Israel, making all parks and playgrounds accessible to people with special needs, bringing thousands of people to Israel every year on missions and trips, and growing future leadership in our youth community through the Alexander Muss High School in Israel and Zionist education and advocacy programs.



JNF strives to bring an enhanced quality of life to all of Israel’s residents and translate these advancements to the world beyond. JNF is “greening” the desert with millions of trees, building thousands of parks across Israel, creating new communities and cities for generations of Israelis to call home, bolstering Israel’s water supply, helping develop innovative arid agriculture techniques and educating both young and old about the founding and importance of Israel and Zionism. JNF is the single largest provider of Zionist programs in the U.S. Its work is divided into seven program areas: Forestry & Green Innovations, Water Solutions, Community Building, Zionist Education & Advocacy, Research & Development, Heritage Sites, and Disabilities & Special Needs.


  • Planted more than 260 million trees
  • Built over 250 reservoirs and dams
  • Developed over 250,000 acres of land
  • Created more than 2,000 parks
  • Provided the infrastructure for over 1,000 communities
  • Connected thousands of children and young adults to Israel and their heritage




Our vision for a strong and secure Israel

Since our founding in 1901, our single driving focus has been to ensure a strong, secure and prosperous Israel for the Jewish people everywhere.  And our results speak for themselves. 

Together with our partners, we re-established our ancestral Jewish homeland in modern Israel. We planted more than a quarter-billion trees in what was once a barren desert. And we built hundreds of vibrant, bustling, life-affirming communities throughout Israel - including the modern metropolis of Tel Aviv. But, while we’re proud of our success, we have little interest in looking backward.
Today, our passion, our commitment and our vision for the future of Israel and the Jewish people remain clear and unwavering.   
- We see the Negev and Galilee regions blooming with new families attracted by vibrant communities, meaningful work and affordable housing. 

- We see Israeli innovation continue to lead the world with breakthrough water solutions for a thirsty planet.

- We see thousands of new American immigrants - modern pioneers - contributing to the economic vitality and the fabric of modern Israeli society. 

- We see more Israeli startups, more patents and more green technologies developed and shared with the world.

- And we see our children - confident and strong - building proud, lifelong connections with Israel and the Jewish people everywhere. 

Inspired by the legacy of Theodor Herzl and guided by an ambitious strategic roadmap for the next decade, we see a bright, beautiful future for the land and people of Israel.  Join us.

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Our Strategy Is One Billion Dollar Road-Map For The Next Decade

Israel and the American Jewish community face both unprecedented opportunities and serious challenges in the decade ahead. 

To meet those challenges head-on and to leverage the opportunities before us, our strategic roadmap channels Jewish National Fund’s core values into groundbreaking new ventures. 

While the One Billion Dollar Roadmap for the Next Decade fund is invested in a range of initiatives, our key investments focus on three core areas of expertise: 

  • Community building in Israel’s north and south
  • Connecting the next generation to Israel
  • Developing infrastructure for ecology, special needs, and heritage preservation

The rationale behind this focus is threefold. First, JNF has proven expertise in each arena and we are building on our existing achievements to make an even greater impact. 

Second, we believe that JNF has an essential contribution to make in each arena, in part because of our organization’s DNA and in part because we are uniquely positioned to connect Americans and Israelis in common purpose. 

Finally, and most importantly, each element of our plan is vital from a strategic standpoint. A new generation of American Jews is motivated with passion, pride, and responsibility for Israel’s future. Israel’s population cannot remain concentrated on a vulnerable coastal plain, and a vibrant north and south should be attractive new frontiers for Israeli families. And Israeli society must be equipped with the tools to meet its pressing ecological challenges, serve its most vulnerable members, and celebrate its dynamic national heritage. 


Israel’s population cannot remain concentrated on a vulnerable coastal plain, and a vibrant north and south should be attractive new frontiers for Israeli families.


The social impact of these accomplishments will not only lead to a stronger Israeli society but also an American Jewish community that will be more united and vibrant than ever. 

This is the most ambitious campaign in Jewish National Fund’s history and we invite you to be an investor, to join us as a partner, and to help make the land and people of Israel the best it can be.


Proposed Allocation

40% Community Building in Israel 

Blueprint Negev 
Go North 
Housing Development Fund 
Community Building and Park Recreation Space 
North American Aliyah—Nefesh B’Nefesh 
Existing Communities and Bedouin Development 
Employment Initiatives 

SubTotal $400 Million


25% Connecting the Next Generation 

Zionist Education & Advocacy   $200 Million 
Kindergarten through 8th Grade 
High School Programs 
College Advocacy 

Leadership Development $45 Million 
JNF Executive 

Positively Israel & International Cooperation $5 Million 

SubTotal $250 Million 


35% Infrastructure for Ecology, Special Needs & Heritage Preservation

Water Solutions $50 Million 
Forestry & Green Innovations $100 Million 
Research & Development $50 Million 
Special Needs Services $50 Million 
Heritage Sites $100 Million 

SubTotal $350 Million 



To read more about the Billion Dollar Roadmap click here


To read about the JNF Boruchin Center, click here

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